In collaboration con la galleria P21 di Londra
Mignon presenta
Myself in Every Stranger’s Eyes
29th April – 29th May 2021
P21 Gallery is proud to present “Myself in Every Stranger’s Eyes” an online exhibtion by Mignon group. In this new project of the group, the teaching of their master Walter Rosenblum is realized in a totally unexpected but complete way. He shared with Lewis Hine the conviction that with photography you can prove that dignity is a universal feeling, that no differences can be made between men on the basis of race, religion, nationality or economic conditions.
Walter Rosenblum used his expressive means to communicate shared aspirations and values, arousing mutual respect among people who do not know each other. He used the camera in a way that people can recognize themselves, with the hope that understanding helps erasing ignorance and fear, the main causes of so many social injustices.
This is also the result to which the proposed images aspire, the result of a work shared by different people moved by the same ideals.
In this project of the Mignon group street photography is bearer of values and meanings that nowadays seem not to make headlines, but that must be strongly reaffirmed.
MIGNON is a cultural association based in Padua. The aim of their project is to investigate everyday life, individuals and their environment through photography. The specific interest for people and their surroundings has led to the establishment of a group that has at its heart photography as a communicative phenomenon, a group that sees together professional and non-professional photographers. Through their eyes, these photographers put us in relation to the world, sharing common experiences of a technical, but especially human nature. The success obtained with the critics and the interest for the group’s exhibitions prompted Mignon to start other activities such as promotion of events, courses, meetings and exhibitions by other photographers.
Since its establishment, the group has had a strong interest for testimonies of photography with a social vocation: from the fundamental work carried out by the FSA Farm Security Administration and the unparalleled role covered by the Photo League in the growth of photographic culture, to the best pages of world photojournalism (LIFE and Magnum photographers). Some encounters with “humanist” photographers have helped to providing great vigour and enthusiasm to the project. The exchanges with Giovanni Umicini and Walter Rosenblum influenced the poetics of the Group, that moved the attention specifically on to “Street Photography” and the operational tools used: an essential black and white, followed by the shooting and up to the final printing process. Currently the Group is composed of Giampaolo Romagnosi, Ferdinando Fasolo, Fatima Abbadi, Giovanni Garbo, Davide Scapin and Mauro Minotto.
HUB Collective is an interdisciplinary platform started by a group of cultural activists interested in art and culture related to Palestine and the Arab world, they were inspired whilst living in diaspora to form a collective which would encourage new ways of representing and thinking about Palestine and the broader Arab world. HUB aim is to work alongside artists and creative thinkers throughout the world to showcase the range and diversity of innovative projects taking place in the region.
Founders came from different backgrounds, education and disciplines: art, media, design, photography and film making. They define themselves as a collective because they believe in working collaboratively with all participants in their projects. They also encourage anyone taking part in their projects to join the collective and to meet, discuss ideas and provide inspiration and support to one another.
Press information
For further information, press images and interview opportunities, please contact P21 Gallery: